Excellent article. Your points on harnessing anxiety as a tool to heighten awareness and create a performance edge are right on.
I did a large amount of public speaking in my working career and I always found that a little anxiety well harnessed allowed me to sound enthused and engaged to my audience. It may have been my 30th time through my talk but it was the first time my audience had heard it. And I needed to sound as excited and engaged in the topic for the 30th audience as I did that first. Each audience deserved my best
You said that Dave took such pride in his boat. You are right -but in addition to pride he was preparing for those unexpected moments of sailing. I always felt like we could handle anything because I had confidence in my captain.
P.S. I was still afraid and anxious and always glad to be back in the slip safely!
Excellent article. Your points on harnessing anxiety as a tool to heighten awareness and create a performance edge are right on.
I did a large amount of public speaking in my working career and I always found that a little anxiety well harnessed allowed me to sound enthused and engaged to my audience. It may have been my 30th time through my talk but it was the first time my audience had heard it. And I needed to sound as excited and engaged in the topic for the 30th audience as I did that first. Each audience deserved my best
Erin - this is such an exciting article!
You said that Dave took such pride in his boat. You are right -but in addition to pride he was preparing for those unexpected moments of sailing. I always felt like we could handle anything because I had confidence in my captain.
P.S. I was still afraid and anxious and always glad to be back in the slip safely!